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Besides commercial works, we also shoot private events such as wedding, wedding anniversary, birthday party, family portraits, and other subjects that stimulate our visual or emotional sensibilities. Photogragphers in our wedding division are young, passionate with a professional mindset that delivers contemporary photographs. We always retain a strong commitment to client satisfaction.
Some of our clients and functions:
Miriam & Real wedding (楊千嬅及丁子高婚禮及私人派對)
Jayden Max Hui's 100th Day Birthday Party (李嘉欣愛兒百日宴)
Brandelyn & Aaron wedding (中國神威藥業集團主席千金婚禮)
Phoebe & Marvin wedding (「文具大王」趙振明先生兒子婚禮)
Angie & Arthur wedding (「保險教父」楊梵城先生兒子婚禮)
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